Westmead Hospital, in conjunction with the Adam Gardiner Fund Incorporation, started an Amyloidosis Clinic, commencing on February 2007.

The aim of the Clinic is to provide, through a team approach, integrated care for people with Amyloidosis. Important aspects include rapid diagnosis of patients suspected of having Amyloidosis and for those in whom Amyloidosis has already been diagnosed, an assessment of the extent of their disease involvement. All patients will be provided with advice on treatment options (that may be then taken up at Westmead or by their own doctors closer to where they live) and educational material to assist with their decisions on treatment and other aspects of care.

The Westmead team includes each of the specialists needed to provide assessment and care for all of the potential problems caused by Amyloidosis:  haematologists, immunologists, neurologists, nephrologists (kidney specialists), cardiologists, nuclear medicine physicians (for diagnostic scans) and pathologists (to examine biopsies).  Each of the Clinic doctors has a special interest in Amyloidosis.

An important aspect of the Clinic is the ability to carry out comprehensive genetic service for the rare forms of Amyloidosis that are inherited; this is the only genetic service for this disorder in Australia.

The Clinic is affiliated with the UK National Amyloidosis Centre, whose director; Professor Julian Gillmore is a consultant to the Westmead Clinic.

Appointments can be made by contacting

E WSLHD-WAC-Correspondence@health.nsw.gov.au 

T 8890 7546 I F 8890 8907

Patients will require a referral letter from their GP or specialist and will be billed Medicare schedule fees.
